Article Format Requirements:

Length: Up to 5 pagesFile Format: MS Word

2003-1998, extension *.doc

Font: Times New Roman, size 12Line Spacing: 1.0

Page Margins

– Top: 6.1 cm

– Bottom: 6.5 cm

– Right: 4.9 cm

– Left: 4.9 cm

Distance from Edges:

– Footer: 5.8 cm

– Header: 5.7 cm

Article Title:

– Capital letters, bold font, center alignment

Author Information:

– Name and initials: Bold font, right alignment

– University and position: Bold font, right


Body Text:

– Justified alignment

– No graphical objects

– No styles applied

– No “Lists” function or special features from

“Format Paragraph” or “Page Position” menu

– No automatic hyphenation

– Emphasis allowed in italics and bold; no

underlining or spacing adjustments


– Indicated in the text with numbers in round


– Corresponding numbers in the reference list at

the end

List of References:

– Maximum of 10 items, printed in font size 10